Mo | 10:30-12:30 |
Tu | 10:30-12:30 |
We | 10:30-12:30 |
Th | 10:30-12:30 |
Fr | 10:30-12:30 |
Mo | 10:30-12:30 |
Tu | 10:30-12:30 |
We | 10:30-12:30 |
Th | 10:30-12:30 |
Fr | 10:30-12:30 |
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
GGluten free
We are open10.30 - 12.30
Lunchtime10.30 - 12.30
Tandooribroileria L,G, kasvis bulguria L ja minttujogurttia (sis.hunaja)L,G
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Tandooribroileria L,G, kasvis bulguria L ja minttujogurttia (sis.hunaja)L,G
The meal contain these allergens:
Cereals containing gluten Milk Wheat Tree nutsChanges in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
The meal contain these allergens:
CeleryChanges in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Herkkusieniraviolit sienikastikkeessa
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Herkkusieniraviolit sienikastikkeessa
The meal contain these allergens:
Cereals containing gluten Milk Eggs Wheat Tree nutsChanges in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
The meal contain these allergens:
MilkChanges in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
The meal contain these allergens:
MilkChanges in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
GGluten free
We are open10.30 - 12.30
Lunchtime10.30 - 12.30
Härkää shezhuan ja riisiä
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Härkää shezhuan ja riisiä
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Tempuraturskaa, paahdettuja perunoita ja kermaviilikastiketta
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Tempuraturskaa, paahdettuja perunoita ja kermaviilikastiketta
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Falavel pyöryköitä, tzazikia ja intialaista bulguria
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Falavel pyöryköitä, tzazikia ja intialaista bulguria
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Vadelmakiisseliä ja vaniljakermaa
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Vadelmakiisseliä ja vaniljakermaa
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
GGluten free
We are open10.30 - 12.30
Lunchtime10.30 - 12.30
Mureaksi savustettua porsaanpaistia, herkkusienikastiketta ja linnaperunoita
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Mureaksi savustettua porsaanpaistia, herkkusienikastiketta ja linnaperunoita
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Portugalilainen kalapata, paahdettua kesäkurpitsaa ja valkosipuliriisiä
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Portugalilainen kalapata, paahdettua kesäkurpitsaa ja valkosipuliriisiä
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Itsenäisyyspäivän kakkua
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Itsenäisyyspäivän kakkua
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
GGluten free
We are open10.30 - 12.30
Lunchtime10.30 - 12.30
Hyvää Itsenäisyyspäivää
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Hyvää Itsenäisyyspäivää
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
GGluten free
Paistettua maksaa M,G, sipulia, puolukkasurvosta, kermakastiketta L,G ja rosmariiniperunoita M,G
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Paistettua maksaa M,G, sipulia, puolukkasurvosta, kermakastiketta L,G ja rosmariiniperunoita M,G
The meal contain these allergens:
Milk BeefChanges in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Paneroitua broilerinsisäfilettä L (Pg) chimichurrikastikkeella ja tuoreella korianterilla, basmatiriisiä M,G
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Paneroitua broilerinsisäfilettä L (Pg) chimichurrikastikkeella ja tuoreella korianterilla, basmatiriisiä M,G
The meal contain these allergens:
Cereals containing gluten Milk Eggs Mustard Wheat Citrus CorianderChanges in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Parsa-porkkana-spelttirisottoa parmesanjuustolla L
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Parsa-porkkana-spelttirisottoa parmesanjuustolla L
The meal contain these allergens:
Cereals containing gluten GarlicChanges in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Paahdettua paprikakeittoa
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Paahdettua paprikakeittoa
The meal contain these allergens:
GarlicChanges in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Jäätelö buffet
Raw ingredients and nutritional values
Jäätelö buffet
The meal contain these allergens:
MilkChanges in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
GGluten free
Changes in menus and ingredient information is possible. Restaurant staff will help you with additional allergen and diet information if needed.
GGluten free
Lounaalla on tarjolla skandinaavisia ruokia sekä makuja maailmalta.
Ravintolasta voit myös noutaa virvokkeita ja välipalatuotteita. Viihtyisässä ravintolassamme on mukava piipahtaa työn lomassa.
Ravintolan tilat soveltuvat hyvin niin yritystilaisuuksien kuin perhejuhlienkin järjestämiseen.